
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Website Crush Wednesday: SimpleK12

Last week, someone Tweeted an article with the headline:

Adapt, or else. Anyone who has taught for a few years is familiar with this concept. Yes, teachers are the ultimate adapters but sometimes we need help keeping up with the changes. One way you can keep up with the latest technology and resources is through professional development. But, we all have busy lives and schedules, so it's difficult to come early or stay after school for professional development. With SimpleK12, you can get all the PD you want, in your pajamas. 

SimpleK12 provides live and on-demand webinars, and shared resources, on a variety of topics such as Digital Citizenship, Office 365, Social Media, STEM, etc. Sign-up to attend a live webinar, watch previously recorded sessions, or browse the Shared Resources section for tons of great stuff you can use in your classroom. There's also a Teacher Forum where you can connect with teachers from all over the world.

If you're feeling left behind, want to keep up with the latest and greatest technology, or just enjoy learning, SimpleK12 can help. And it's at no cost to you! The district has paid for your subscription so take advantage of it. Let me know if you need help getting started. 

Monday, February 22, 2016

Tech Tip Tuesday: Short URLs

Don't be that teacher.

Learn how to shorten those long URLs and share responsibly.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Website Crush Wednesday: Atomic Learning

Recently, I was reminded of our subscription to Atomic Learning and I'm so glad! There are so many resources available here for our staff, students AND their families. Yes! Our students and their families can access Atomic Learning.

Our subscription to Atomic Learning includes:
  • Project-based training on:
    •  21st century concepts to create college- and career-ready students
    • Tech Integration Projects: Lesson Accelerators
    • Workshops on emerging tech topics, such as Avoiding Plagiarism and Effective Presentation Design
    • Applying technology skills in the classroom
  • Just-in-time technology training tutorials on 250+ software applications and ed tech tools
  • Assessment tools to gauge technology skill levels of faculty, staff, and students
  • Training on in-demand Career Skills, such as Time Management and Effective Listening

Access for staff, students and their families 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Want to know more about Office 365? There's some training for that.
Want your students to use Effective Presentation Design?  There's some training for that.
Did you have trouble Completing a FAFSA? There's some training for that.
Do your children need Digital Citizenship training? There's some training for that.
Does your spouse need Excel skills for his/her job? There's some training for that.

The list goes on.

Your login information is the same as your computer and Office 365. (So, no new passwords to remember!)

As always, let me know if I can help!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Tech Tip Tuesday: Printing Multiple Pages Per Sheet

Since our print shop is across campus, I've tried some creative printing techniques to save paper and time. Especially if I'm in a pinch, which I usually am. Several of you have asked for some printing tricks so here is the first in a series of printing tutorials.

Printing multiple pages on one sheet of paper